My ideas and perspectives
I’ve got
yes I do.
I’ve got
how about
Here, you'll find a mix of short stories, one-sentence thoughts, and longer excerpts that delve into a wide range of topics, from personal development and relationships to creativity and spirituality.
Each idea is tagged with related tags, making it easy for you to navigate through the content and find what you're looking for. And if you're not quite sure what you're looking for, that's okay too. Feel free to explore and let your curiosity guide you.
So, take a moment to grab a cup of tea or coffee, get comfortable, and let's explore together. And don't forget to let me know your thoughts! I would love to hear from you and continue the conversation.
Thank you for being here, and I look forward to connecting with you.
Open | Strong
Which would you prefer to be, Open or Strong?
The human experience is a balance between both.
Think about the body…
In Tension
Intention often brings us to places where we are invited to exist in tension.
When the going gets tough,
Do Your Own Thing
The cool thing about self-discovery and forging your own path is that
even though you venture down a path that is very much your own...
As we ran in the cold and wet, we engaged in Minnesota’s two favorite pastimes...
1) talking about weather
2) asking each other, “Hey, do you know this person?”
This morning we spoke about injuries, heart attacks, decisions to change direction of where life is going...
the things we used to do...
The Challenge
For some, the challenge is in the work...
For others, the challenge is in the rest...
A Boomerang Still
What if we approached every second of our life as if we were in the middle of a boomerang?
Being in shape
What does it mean to be in shape?
I’ve never done a workout where I felt like in the midst of it, “Hey!
The Sweat Life
Words. Right? How do you place words in the right order to describe miraculous experiences.
Well, I'm not really sure but every once in a while, through the rambles there presents a drop of clarity.
The Sweat Life.
Going Back to What you Haven’t Experienced Yet
New York City Marathon announced a new opportunity in 2018…virtual racing.
Sign up and pay to run 26.2 miles wherever you want. No pomp. No circumstance.