What does it mean to be in shape?
I’ve never done a workout where I felt like in the midst of it, “Hey! I finally got this down! My heart isn’t beating out of my chest anymore! I’m not sweating buckets! I’m not making noises that sound like a grisly monster is trying to escape from my body! THIS ISN’T HARD ANYMORE!”

It is always hard. I always feel like the little sissy, wimpy kid who couldn’t do the things again and again.

The bad voices. The good voices. They are always there.

What does it mean to be in shape?

My answer: knowing yourself well enough to know what you are capable of accomplishing today. Work hard with the utmost amount of fight and vigor to shout from the rooftops, “My enoughness has no correlation to whatever shape I am in.”

That’s the best shape to be in.


You On Purpose


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